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June 20, 2014

This card was pulled in response to my question:  How do I proceed with The Mandala Deck?  Ahh, The answer is Teamwork with my beloved community.  This whole project is certainly not about me alone, so the ‘work’ will be accomplished with the help of many others, seen and unseen. All for the greater of good of all.  And for all of that and so much more, I give thanks.

4 of Spirit - Teamwork - Beloved Community

                      4 of Spirit  


Spark – Lighting the Fire for The Mandala Deck™

d11.SpiritIt seems like a very long time since the “spark” of inspiration for creating a mandala oracle deck first occurred eight years ago in 2006.  Beginning with great enthusiasm, my lack of technological ‘know how’ kept the idea quietly simmering on the back burner.  Sometimes I thought ‘that fire has gone out.”

Still,  occasionally the cards would bubble up into awareness:  “Remember us?” Gradually, technology and I had a meeting of the minds as my skill set dramatically improved.

This year at my birthday, the cards announced:  “It is time!  Do it now.”  Following this strong guidance, the images and words all fell into place with ease and flow.  Why had I struggled so much before?  The cards simply were not ready for their public appearance!

What emerged early this year only slightly resembles my original attempt. How lucky that the spark and embers are still glowing.

I wonder where this adventure will lead…… Stay tuned.